A specific form of muscle therapy that targets specific "trigger" points to release tension build up. This form of therapy is actually an off shoot of Myofascial Release Therapy.
A specific form of muscle therapy that targets specific "trigger" points to release tension build up. This form of therapy is actually an off shoot of Myofascial Release Therapy.
Another form of body work, this involves gentle massage and stretching to release pain in the fibrous connective tissue bands that surround the muscles. It is believed that injury or…
There are many various modalities that fall under this umbrella term. To create two broad categories, these will usually fall into Eastern Massage Techniques that rely on physical manipulation to…
Most people are aware of the healing powers of magnets. Available as jewelry they are designed to relieve muscular aches and pains by increasing blood flow to the affected area (blood…
Light therapists will use various colours and frequencies of lights to address disorders such as Seasonal Affective Disorder or other illnesses where melatonin production (which normally occurs upon exposure to…
A very gentle form of therapy which utilises the body's muscular system as a means of assessment and treatment. It is a combination of both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine…
Ka-Tone is a form of body work that focuses on deep tissue re-alignment to bring emotional and intellectual well being by correcting muscular and skeletal ailments.
Iridology is a diagnostic tool used by many practitioners to gain an understanding of inherent body weaknesses. This then allows the practitioner to focus on individual nutritional and herbal requirements.
This form of advanced body work combines deep tissue therapy with breathing control and counselling to affect the person on more than just the physical level.
Hydrotherapy is the use of water in any of its forms (hot, cold, steam or pressure) to bring pain relief and healing. Non toxic, non habit forming and readily available…